
Our priority is to provide the best possible care for our patients. This entails being readily available either personally or via a proxy. This may include a nurse or an office assistant. We endeavour to keep space available for emergent issues as well as staying on top of chronic care and screening. Please call us first and we will assist in any way we can. With this in mind, we do not offer walk-in services or accept patients not registered with the clinic.


Patients are encouraged to sign a document on their first visit to the new clinic. This will be used to update personal information and outline our goals for your care as well as our expectations.


Some services are not covered by government insurance. This includes but is not limited to: driver’s medicals, insurance/disability forms, sick notes and most paperwork. We value our time but try to keep fees below the College recommendations. A full list of fees is available on request. No show fees may also apply.